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We Know What Makes Juvenile Court Different

In Georgia, children can also be charged with crimes.  In many instances when a child breaks the law they go before a judge in juvenile court.  Children in Georgia can find themselves in juvenile court for misdemeanors, felonies, poor school attendance which is called truancy, and even for certain traffic offenses. 


In juvenile courts the aim should be the best interest of the child.  As such there are different consequences for youthful offenders.  In most cases if a child is placed on probation it is for a minimum period of two years.  However, if the child has issues on probation or commits a new offense this period can be extended.  The law also has outlined serious offenses for juveniles – these are call ‘designated felony acts’.  If a youth is convicted of one of these (kidnapping, robbery and aggravated assault are some examples) they can be looking at confinement in a youth detention facility for up to 60 months.


Kristian McPeek has a unique perspective in defending clients in juvenile court.  For almost four years he served as the Assistant Public Defender in the Enotah and Northeastern Judicial Circuits in juvenile court.  Over this time, he developed the skill set necessary to handle these unique cases.  While there are many similarities between adult and juvenile court, there are also some stark differences.  At Spence & McPeek we have had the experience in juvenile courtrooms to know just how different these courts can be.  More importantly, we know how to get the best results for the children that we represent in them.  Call us today at 404.236.6060 to see how we can help your family and your child today.    

Our lawyers fight cases throughout the Atlanta metropolitan area including Gwinnett County, Fulton County, Cobb County, DeKalb County, Douglas County, Henry County, Hall County, Lumpkin County, White County, Cherokee County, Dawson County, the City of Atlanta, as well as other jurisdictions.


This website is designed to provide general information only.  It is essentially an advertisement, and cannot possibly substitute for the advice of a lawyer familiar with the individual circumstances of your case.  Always consult with a qualified attorney



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